Healing Your Heart
The key to healing properly and preparing yourself for loss and disappointment in the future is to change your perspective. Realize the true nature of humanity and understand its volatility.
Erase or hide all photos and reminders of the person (s) that hurt you.
Vent how you feel. Utilize a trusted person (family or friend) or write it down in a journal or on your computer. The goal is to release everything you are feeling. If you use a computer or journal, you can always delete it when you are done or look back on it when you have healed.
Put your phone down for a while. No social media. Healing in silence is powerful. What you see and read on social media is just as important as what you eat. Your body consumes in multiple capacities and reflects your thoughts, conscious and subconscious.
Speak positivity into your life everyday. Focus on yourself. Healing is not easy but it is worth it. This is just the start. Here are some things you can do to begin the process:

Do something daily that makes you feel better. Even if for a moment. The small steps lead to a consistent flow of happiness and calm. You hold the power to change the trajectory of your life. Once you see that you alone are happy, you set the tone for present and future boundaries. As you learn more about yourself, it will become clear what you will and will not accept.
When you glow from within it shows.
Remember to give yourself the same love you seek from others.
Don’t let anyone make you feel less than because you are in the midst of a “glow up” or you struggle to deal with your sorrow. People handle pain differently. Some people sit in hurt and anger while it slowly consumes them and some turn pain into passion, triumph, and am immeasurable amount of self love.
Forget the “WHY”. Not everyone is going to give you the closure you want or feel that you deserve.
Find or create your own personal mantra. Words have significant power. Speak life into your present. Engage with the universe, it will conspire to fulfill.
Keep a journal. When you write down your thoughts, feelings, and goals, they become real.
You have to make a conscious decision every day to get up and move. Keep in mind discipline and consistency are key. Every day you wake up is a new opportunity to change your routine and make the day better than the one before.